
I am passionate about research and have been involved in top level research for more than 20 years.

In the dynamic realm of wireless networking, my research is driven by the pursuit of enhanced and more efficient network operations. As an Assistant Professor at the esteemed Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon, I am committed to advancing knowledge through my research and investigation. My focus lies in advancing the capabilities of wireless and mobile networks. I am dedicated to optimizing current and next generations of wireless networking, including current 5G, and beyond, and the highly anticipated 6G.

My work extends beyond theory into practical application, where I harness the power of optimized networking to serve specific domains and verticals. I have a particular emphasis on the Internet of Things (IoT), with a concentration on applications in eHealth, smart cities, and smart homes. As I drive progress within these verticals, my unwavering commitment is to continually seek innovative ways to enhance the quality of life for individuals. By merging cutting-edge technologies and inventive approaches, my research aims to revolutionize how wireless networks operate, creating the foundation for the networks of the future. Welcome to my exploration of the exciting world of wireless networking, where I endeavor to shape the future of connectivity.

Topics of Interest

  • Wireless Networking
  • Mobile Networking
  • Internet of Things
  • eHealth
  • Smart City
  • Sustainability
  • Radio Access Network
  • Energy Efficiency